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In modern optics, optical resonators are among the main components of any optical system. They are the basic element of lasers and nowadays, they are used in many applications such as filtering, switching, sensing, etc


Organic materials are based on conjugated organic small molecules and polymers. The use of organic semiconductors offers some advantages due to their easy processing, good compatibility with a wide variety of substrates, especially the human body for bio applications, and the capability of modifying their structures. The fabrication process of organic devices can be simple and low-cost compared to inorganics, especially in large scales.

Wireless underwater communications has the potential for a range of applications such as high speed sensor networks for the investigation of climate change, environmental monitoring such as ports, pollution, oceanic flows, fish tracing, gathering of oceanographic data, marine archaeology, preserving oil equipment, searching oil fields, investigating mineral stores, communication of submarine to lands, submarines to submarines, ships, divers, search and rescue missions.

Mohammad is currently working towards his PhD in optoelectronics. He is focusing on organic-polymer integrated phpic1otonic and optoelectronic devices. He has been working on organic and hybrid silicon-organic photodetectors and polymer photonic devices.

PhD Position:

We are looking for highly motivated researchers as new members for our group.


Master Position:

Students enrolled in MSc program at IUT, who are well-educated, diligent and talented, with interest in research related to

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